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Math Offerings

High School/College
  • Algebra

    • Focus on critical thinking, pattern recognition, and purpose. Working toward an intuitive understanding of new concepts and reapplication of old ones.

  • Geometry

    • Focus on spatial memory and development of exploratory problem solving. Working toward rational approaches and overcoming a one-size-fits-all mentality toward problem solving.

  • Algebra 2

    • Focus on the mathematical process, unmotivated leaps in problem solving, and connections between graphical and symbolic representations. Working toward mental ideation of complex mathematics, incorporating processes and relationships.

  • Pre-Calculus (Trigonometry)

    • Focus on relationships between graphs, triangles, circles, and equations; a deep understanding of substitution; and comfort with multiple approaches. Working toward a facility in shifting point of view and deft application of differing frameworks.

  • Pre-Calculus (College Algebra)

    • Focus on connections, relationships, pattern development, and extrapolation. Working toward intuition when faced with unrelated or drastically different scenarios.

  • Statistics

    • Focus on purpose, applications, resourcefulness, and meaning. Working toward an understanding that applies to everyday experiences and increases numeracy around data, polling, surveys, and their visual representations.


Middle School

Focus on foundations of numeracy and understanding the meaning behind numbers. Working toward developing abstraction, connection between symbols and story problems, and motivations for varying techniques.

  • Math 6

  • Math 7

  • Math 8

  • Pre-Algebra

  • Algebra


Elementary School

Focus on comfort with numbers, manipulation of physical and mental objects, and arithmetic shortcuts. Working toward mathematical comfort and the understanding that math is both interesting and useful.

  • Math 4

  • Math 5


Supplementary Study (All Levels)
  • Mental Math

    • Beginning with basic arithmetic and working through fractions, multi-digit multiplication and division, squaring large numbers, divisibility tricks, estimation, error detection, algebraic intuition, and visualization. Practical applications at all levels of mathematical study.

  • Number Theory

    • An introduction to higher mathematics appropriate for students in the 6th grade or higher (easily adjustable based on grade level), especially those who are interested in mathematics. A fun introduction that develops pattern recognition abilities crucial for later success.

  • Problem Solving

    • Approaches to beginning a problem, developing a plan, executing a plan, and reflecting upon the process and results. Includes movement toward unmotivated leaps, a rational approach, and relaxing into problem solving rather than attempting to brute-force solutions.

  • Numeracy​

    • What the numbers in everyday life mean and how they are represented. Practice in discerning when numbers are being fudged or when data is being represented in a misleading, dishonest, or inefficient manner. Skills for understanding estimations, doing quick calculations, analyzing graphs and data, and drawing conclusions based on facts rather than interpretations.

Supplementary study can be tutored separately or easily integrated as part of the learning for another course. Mental Math and Problem Solving are especially applicable at all levels, and Numeracy can easily be applied in both middle school programs and high school/college statistics courses. Number Theory is easily integrated as a summer bridge activity or as an additional study for children excelling at mathematics and looking to learn more or test their abilities.

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