Personal Testimonials
"Tanner runs a tight ship in any rehearsal room he walks into, but he’s one of those lovely people who meets everyone where they are and understands that sometimes there are more important things in life that can take us away from the music temporarily. He’s also an excellent example in every way, since he keeps up more musical disciplines than anyone I know."
—Eris DeJarnett | composer-performer
"Tanner is a true polymath, excelling in the realms of music, language and mathematics. He sings, plays viola, conducts, speaks multiple languages, composes music and in his 'free time' undertakes ambitious analytical research projects about pedagogy, institutional hierarchies, and other community-driven and interpersonal systems of communication.
That last item, notions of community, is what is at the heart of Tanner’s work. He is perhaps more a composer of human relationships than a composer of specific musical ideas. His composition practice is deeply entwined with the sense of community that he strives to create.
Tanner founded and directed multiple vocal ensembles through which many new works of his own and other students were premiered.
By directing an ensemble, Tanner’s gifts on the micro and macro level converge. He meticulously structures rehearsal time not only to maximize productivity, [but] also to make time for discussions and activities that foster emotional growth and a deeper sense of community. With this degree of care and intentionality focused into rehearsal time, Tanner is able to develop and harness the talents of his performers, coaxing energetic and nuanced improvisations and interpretations into being.
...I see a great and promising future for Tanner. He really puts the time in, he couldn’t possibly spend more time devoted to the study and execution of ideas and works that he finds compelling. In Tanner, there is a paradox that is found in many people called to leadership: he is deeply invested in the idea of community, but simultaneously his own brilliance in many ways sets him apart from his peers. This is part of his work, I think, you know the long work, the 'big questions' kind of work that marks the journey of one’s life. Similar to the quest for 'artistry' that led him to CalArts, Tanner’s path moving forward involves the pursuit of the ineffable as much as, if not more than, the pursuit of excellence. I look forward to seeing what he develops in the future."
—Dr. Laura Steenberge | composer, performer
"In addition to faculty-sponsored activities that Tanner directed, his skill as a conductor, his community–driven rehearsal technique and presence, and his infectious enthusiasm led to Tanner being the most-asked student conductor for many projects around the institute. Tanner is a natural teacher and leader. He is unfailing in his support for those around him and [his] commitment to... developing new musical curiosity for all musicians he works with is tremendous. Whether he was working with younger musicians who are unfamiliar with a certain style, or directing an ensemble of his colleagues, or even conducting faculty members, Tanner was thoughtful, diligent, and creative. He was always able to tune the nature of his rehearsals to the needs of the group without losing his distinct style. Something I deeply value in any conductor is someone who is able to show the same care and enthusiasm whether they are conducting professionals or beginners, and this is an attribute that Tanner absolutely possesses.
...He inspires the people around him. He is calm under pressure, he manages to lead incredible performances when there is a severe lack of available rehearsal time. Most importantly, he makes everybody around him love what they’re doing. When presented with something outside his comfort zone, Tanner dives in head-first. He doesn’t shy away from anything, and his ability to find something to love in anything he works on is what helps him to infect others with that same curiosity and enthusiasm."
—Dr. Nick Deyoe | Instrumental Arts chair and conducting/composition professor, CalArts
"He is a mathematician inspired by the complexities of advanced analytical thinking, a composer driven by a deep desire to communicate and converse through the creative process, a violist invested in the art and craft of performance, a vocalist intrigued by the peculiar physical and linguistic challenges inherent to the singer’s world, and a conductor with deep-seated beliefs in the collaborative potential of ensemble music making. He is happiest and most productive when at the nexus of all of these endeavors and he is perpetually discovering new links and interactions among them.
Tanner is a voracious reader, a keen debater, a thoughtful learner and a dedicated practitioner. He has a strong work ethic and a compassionate world view. He is active in the community and dedicated to service.... He is enthusiastic and gregarious by nature, and truly lights up when describing the creative potential of music performance in the 21st century."
—Dr. Carolyn Barber | Director of Bands, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
"What you are doing with the Arts Department is remarkable, and I know that it's even more impressive under the circumstances in which you operate.... I am truly in awe of your work and dedication to the Arts here, and for spinning straw into gold each and every time, with every class, coffee house, and performance. Bravo!"
—Marissa Hewitt | educator
"That moment of conducting... during the final performance was AMAZING. You really brought this very intentional, theme-driven theatrical energy to the performance, especially during those moments with our choirs. I so appreciate all the questions you asked during rehearsal, the clarifications you sought, because that made the work all that much stronger. You helped me see holes in the production that I never would have realized until it was way too late, and to course-correct in real time. Thank you for contributing your voice, your collaborative ideas, your artistic philosophy, and your production wisdom to the work. It was such an honor to have 8TPS be a part of this project"
—Julia Edith Rigby | performer and composer
"A hallmark of [Profe] Pfeiffer’s input on our team is how detail-oriented he is. He is incredibly diligent about being informed and prepared in everything we are doing as a team. He is generous with his feedback and always wants anything we are doing to be the best it can be. [Profe] Pfeiffer makes sure we are considering even the smallest aspect of our project plans and schedules, so we are set up for significant amounts of success. He is creative and inclusive, and always ensures there is space for every person (teammate or scholar) to feel welcome."
—MaryAnn Holland | principal, Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles
"Our school is a more joyful and critically-thinking body because of [Profe] Pfeiffer."
—Walker Maghie | dean of special services, Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles
"I am so lucky to have Tanner Pfeiffer conducting this piece [Exiled: Los Angeles]. They are a fantastic musician and collaborator."
—David Rentz, composer
"Wanted to thank you again for your intense, insightful, informed, and illuminating engagement with my Om piece. Your approach brought a fine performance, I thought."
—DA | composer
"I miss your conducting!!!! Such soulful beauty and grace!!!!"
—LB | vocal artist
"Thoughtful, articulate, and powerful conducting."
—Ari Stultz | co-facilitator, C3LA (Contemporary Choral Collective of Los Angeles)
"You're such a great group leader. Every time you're up there, I'm dazzled, I'm locked in."
—Aria Gittelson | composer/performer
"Consonant warrior."
—Dr. EJ Harrison | director, Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles
"Tanner’s 'Come Together' draws from America’s folk anthem tradition. It comforts with a simple-sounding ease, even as it challenges with its intricate word play. We hear in Tanner’s words and music a hoped-for future where compassion guides everyone’s choices. Tanner and I have been friends and colleagues for several years, and I know them to be a strong social justice advocate.
Tanner’s embrace of all people is matched with their strength of purpose that diminishes the power of hatred and nay saying. This can be heard clearly in the hook line 'and be the extra in the ordinary.' In America we are often so consumed with having more, doing more, and being more that we allow ourselves to subjugate others in the process. Our very systems of being are often geared that way such that we don’t even recognize the impact of our actions on other people. This reality is even more pronounced as we celebrate Juneteenth and the history of absolute subjugation of some Americans that has so marked this country’s narrative.
Tanner reminds us that justice for all begins when we come together and live compassionately with respect for all beings. When we live in such a way, we embody the 'extra' needed to make real change."
—Dr. David Harris | Music and Arts Director, First Congregational Church of Los Angeles
"Thank you so much for everything you've taught us this year. Your knowledge and teaching was more informative than I've ever thought possible, and I'm so grateful to have learned such a wide range of info (especially for always taking our interests into account, I'll never forget that.) Most importantly, thank you for your guidance and encouragement. Performing (musically) on stage was new for me this year, and your assurances and advice meant so much to me. You've inspired me to continue learning music, and I'm so glad to have been your student. Your future classes will be so lucky to have you. I just know you'll continue to inspire them as you have for me."
—Letter from a graduating student | Rolling Hills Prep, 2023
"I really appreciate all you have taught me this year. You have inspired me to be a better musician in so many ways. I really value your dedication to our class's needs, and I have truly learned so much this school year. I'm grateful to have had such a great learning environment just before I leave for college, and I feel much more prepared than I thought I would have."
—Letter from a graduating student | Rolling Hills Prep, 2023
"Thank you for being a great teacher who is willing to answer any question."
—Letter from a student | Rolling Hills Prep, 2025
"Tanner was an incredible teacher. He was prepared, informed, and present at all of our classes."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"I loved Tanner’s instruction, conducting. Very trustworthy."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"Whenever there was a class discussion, I had a full joy of it. For an ensemble class which could be an absolute monarchy of a conductor, class discussions really brought in a sense of community."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"The lessons I’ve learned in CVE was not only beneficial in my overall education but my personal growth as a person. The class was the class that I truly felt validated as a member of CalArts community since this was my first semester in the school. By learning to listen to other people more carefully, I got to learn & listen to myself better. I am more than appreciative that I took the class & excited to join the class next semester."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"Tanner was terrific—interesting, varied, and relevant rep choices and a very detailed musical perspective."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"Tanner is an outstanding teacher and director. He perfectly balances the fun and professional sides of choral singing. He treats the student with respect and his dedication to the class is inspiring."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"Rehearsals were run efficiently; discussion created a safe space for people to share their thoughts and emotions."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"Tanner really cares about seeing his students succeed and helping them achieve excellence."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2018
"Tanner was always prepared for class. He always makes sure everyone is comfortable when rehearsing serious pieces. Tanner created a welcoming [environment] for old and new students."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2019
"Tanner is a wonderful educator and friend to his pupils. He ensures everyone is comfortable and safe. His rehearsals are efficient, but he is always to make class fun. Tanner selects a variety of choral genres that teaches students what choral music was, is, and should be. Tanner is a role model in musicianship and leadership, and I'm so grateful I had the chance to work with him in the last year."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2019
"Tanner is a treasure. He clearly cares so much about the music + is so kind."
—Anonymous course evaluation | CalArts, 2019
"I had so much fun in CVE [The Contemporary Vocal Ensemble] and it was kinda my light in the darkness this semester, so if there's just one thing I'll be sad to leave it's definitely you guys!"
—Letter from a student leaving the institution | CalArts, 2018
"I want to thank you for being a fantastic choral director. CVE [The Contemporary Vocal Ensemble] has been my favorite part of being at this school and both you and the rest of the ensemble have been very welcoming and supportive.
Best of luck and much love to you and the ensemble."
—Letter from a student leaving the institution | CalArts, 2019
"Thank you so much for the endless support and kindness you've shown me over the past few years. You have always pushed me to be the best person I can be, and for that I'm so grateful.... I look up to you with nothing but respect and admiration, and I hope you remember that as I move on. You are funny, kind and understanding."
—Letter from a student leaving the school | Rolling Hills Prep, 2023
"You have been a marvelous TA... and I hope you know that you were the reason at least a few of us got through this course. You're wonderful :)"
—Email from a student for whom I was a TA | CalArts, 2018
"YOURE SUCH A NICE TA i'm getting that benediction tattooed on my body"
—Email from a student for whom I was a TA, in response to an end-of-semester email in which I offered a benediction for students, reminding them that their worth is not impacted by the grades they earn in their classes. | CalArts, 2018
"[Profe] Pfeiffer, you and Mr. Maghie make math fun like it was when I was younger, at least for me. You are truly helping students.... So keep up the great work."
—Anonymous course evaluation | Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles, 2020
"I just want to say that I appreciate the time [Profe] Pfeiffer and Mr. Maghie take to plan the lesson to prepare us for success. You guys are great at teaching, and I really thank you for the support you guys have given me. I really thank you guys."
—Anonymous course evaluation | Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles, 2020
"This class has been a huge improvement from prior classes due to the care and time that goes into planning lessons. Also, the many tricks that you've taught us really did make work a whole lot easier."
—Anonymous course evaluation | Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles, 2020
"I believe that you guys [Profe Pfeiffer and Mr. Maghie] do everything that is possible to prepare us and go easy but challenge all of us and I think you guys do a great way of teaching and always helping us."
—Anonymous course evaluation | Collegiate Charter High School of Los Angeles, 2020
"Music was so much fun! This class was very awesome! I really loved the pitch warm-us. They always, ALWAYS get stuck in my head after class and every day! Thank you, Profe for teaching me useful tools in life! I really enjoyed having you as a teacher! I learned A LOT from this class! :) Thank you, again!"
—Anonymous course survey | Rolling Hills Preparatory School, 2023
"Tanner and I worked as co-teachers for one year teaching Geometry and Advanced Algebra 2/Precalculus together and I couldn’t have asked for a more dedicated and collaborative classroom partner. I have had the opportunity to witness his natural ability to build authentic relationships with our students that inspired sparking engagement inside the classroom. As we would carefully plan and intellectually devise lessons together during our daily co-teaching meetings, Tanner would never fail to find creative ways to encourage our students to ask insightful questions to make vital conceptual connections. Tanner would Socratically influence student-led discussions to connect what we were learning inside the classroom to their lives outside of school to visualize the beauty of education.
It only takes one lesson or conversation with Tanner to realize that he is a walking wealth of knowledge in not only advanced mathematics, but education, culture, music, and so much more. Tanner’s keen sense of emotional intelligence and verbal articulation of his thoughts causes one to feel truly safe and heard like our students and parents. Tanner’s primary concern was always for the growth and safety of our students to foster a positive learning environment."
—Kelly Kim | founder, Mathically Virtual Math Tutoring
"I've never known him to settle for anything less than outrageous, nor to attempt anything which would fail to push him or help him grow... Other people can't help but become better when they're around him. His compassion and understanding are second to none."
—John Bettendorf | teacher, Lincoln Public Schools
"Tanner leads through positivity and encouragement of the people he surrounds.... His lack of discrimination allows others to feel welcome in his company and his drive for excellence is unquestionable. [Others] are drawn to him because he is kind, creative and a lot of fun to be around.... He goes the extra mile and gives others the extra push when needed. He is the first to have high expectations and demands the most of those he leads as well as himself. He is open to change and new philosophy and takes criticisms extremely well."
—Amy Thorpe | teacher, Lincoln Public Schools
"Thank you for cultivating a love of music and song in our son. We are so grateful!"
—Shelby | teaching mom
"[Our daughter] is really excited about music class, and I think you're the perfect fit for her. Thank you for being here."
—VG, teaching parent
"I would like you to know that I am impressed with how qualified you are in what you do. I have never met any other teacher who supports [my child's] executive functioning capacities to the extent and level that you do. Your organized and detailed instructions are tremendously helpful and help him keep on task. I very much appreciate your knowledge and dedication."
—Alicia | teaching mom
"Tanner has been my children's tutor for several years and has exhibited outstanding teaching and tutoring qualities since we started our relationship. My daughter was terrified of math and through Tanner's patience and support has excelled in both junior high and high school and has lost the 'math-phobia' that was dictating her approach to the subject. My son thrived under Tanner's instructions that encompassed multiple ways to understanding math concepts. We were pleased with the ways that Tanner always looked for new and innovative ways to make math relatable and understandable. Tanner has been a reliable and creative asset to our children's educational success."
—Christine | tutoring mom
"Our daughter was struggling with pre-college statistics when we were introduced to Tanner Pfeiffer. After the first session our daughter said 'He is going to help me pass this class!' He took real world concepts, made them into math problems and made it simpler for her to understand. Long story short—she passed without any problem. We would highly recommend Tanner for any tutoring!"
—Kari | tutoring mom